Monday, June 2, 2008

Propaganda 101: SEIU's Andy Stern is a Great Orator (as were other dictators)...

Now, before some of you left-wingers and other union sympathizers get all freaked out by the comparison below, you should watch all of the posted clips. Then, you tell us what the differences are...(Never mind, we'll tell you at the bottom of this post.)

But first, watch Andy Stern as he stumps the SEIU delegates earlier today at the convention in Puerto Rico.

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Like all good propagandists, Stern has a simple recipe: He first boasts of humble beginnings, then builds upon his accomplishments, then goes on to bash his detractors, bash "others" (namely corporations and other union bosses), uses individual sob stories to make broad generalizations, then issues his call to action, all to the roar and adulation and exaltation of his adoring fans chanting "Andy! Andy!! Andy!!!"

In this shorter clip, see if you can spot the propaganda, the talk of 'revolution' as Comrade Stern pledges to fight for nationalizing U.S. health care, open borders, and everyone in unions under "President Obama"...

Now, before you freak out, watch these and see if you figure out the differences...

Not as long, and pretty grainy, but here's another...

Now, although not a speech, this one views like a union convention pre-speech video...

So, given all of the above, what are the differences between Stern's speech this afternoon and the others?

Simply, in a word: H-I-S-T-O-R-Y. We know how the others turned out in the last century, but we're still waiting for Stern's book to be completed. However, as his members in California allege, Andy Stern has all the makings of a world-class.

Oh, okay there's a couple of other differences. Today's dictatorial union bosses and all their convention regalia are brought to you in full color with loudspeakers blaring hip hop over streaming internet, as opposed to fuzzy bland and white clips and marching band music brought to you by newsreels.

Stay tuned...

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