Andrews, who received $154,250 from unions in the 2005-2006 election cycle, is also the Chairman of the House's Health, Education, Labor and Pension Subcommittee and helped push EFCA through the House on March 1st.
While the official NLRB election at the Trump Plaza is not scheduled to take place until March 31st, according to the televised news report, it would appear that the election is over. The official NLRB election, it would appear, is a mere formality.
Representative Robert Andrews lead a bipartisan 'card check' authorization for Trump Plaza Casino Dealers.As a footnote to the story, the news channel added that "the actual vote will take place this Saturday." Why bother when a member of the federal government--a Congressman no less--has already declared the election over?
The results of the "card check" showed certification of majority status for forming a Union at Trump Plaza.
This comes on the heels of last weeks similar election at Caesar's Casino, when more than 80 percent voted in favor of forming their own union as part of the u-a-w union....
State senator Sonny McCullough, assemblyman Jim Whelan and Reverend Reginald Floyd joined Representative Andrews to sign the "card count" to confirm verification that the dealers want to join the U-A-W Union.
The actual vote will be held this Saturday. [emphasis added]
There is little doubt the "bi-partisan" PR stunt came at the request of UAW organizers, who are attempting to rebuild their dwindled ranks on the backs of Atlantic City's casino dealers.
It is also likely that, in addition to the television stunt, the organizers will use the signatures of these politicians in ads later this week before workers get the chance to vote using a NLRB's secret-ballot.
However, this stunt may have gone too far. It is possible that the Congressman and his cronies at the UAW have actually interfered with the Trump dealers' rights to a secret-ballot election. However, it will be up to the workers or the employer to raise this issue to the NLRB.
To a worker who may not know the difference between the NLRB and the US Congress, it would appear that the federal government has declared the election done...the balloting process is a formality.
For those workers who may oppose having money taken out of their checks and sent to a union who can't even keep its own members' jobs, why bother to vote at all?